Yuanyuan Wei’s Photo I am a Ph.D. candidate in Biomedical Engineering at The University of British Columbia, advised by Dr. Roger Tam, and also a joint Ph.D. student at Southern University of Science and Technology, advised by Dr. Xiaoying Tang. Previously, I was a research assistant at the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Dr. Tai Sing Lee. I received my Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and my Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Technology from Jinan University.

My research focuses on developing interpretable deep learning models for medical image analysis across various modalities, such as neuroimaging and X-ray imaging. These models aim to provide understandable explanations for the decision-making process of deep neural networks, enabling more trustworthy and transparent deep learning applications in medical imaging.


Research Interests

InterpretabilityMachine LearningComputer VisionMedical Image Analysis


  1. MProtoNet: a case-based interpretable model for brain tumor classification with 3D multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging · · ·
    Yuanyuan Wei, Roger Tam, and Xiaoying Tang
    International Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL), Nashville, United States, July 2023

  2. Recurrent networks improve neural response prediction and provide insights into underlying cortical circuits
    Yimeng Zhang, Harold Rockwell, Sicheng Dai, Ge Huang, Stephen Tsou, Yuanyuan Wei, and Tai Sing Lee
    arXiv:2110.00825 [cs.NE], November 13, 2022

  3. Hippocampal and amygdalar morphological abnormalities in Alzheimer’s disease based on three Chinese MRI datasets ·
    Yuanyuan Wei, Nianwei Huang, Yong Liu, Xi Zhang, Silun Wang, and Xiaoying Tang
    Current Alzheimer Research, 17(13):1221–1231, 2020

  4. Automated classification of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using multi-level whole-brain volumes from structural magnetic resonance imaging ·
    Yuanyuan Wei, Siyuan Jiang, Yuanyuan Qin, and Xiaoying Tang
    IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), Bari, Italy, October 2019

  5. Geometry-based facial expression recognition via large deformation diffeomorphic metric curve mapping ·
    Pucheng Yang, Huilin Yang, Yuanyuan Wei, and Xiaoying Tang
    IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Athens, Greece, October 2018

  6. Classifying Alzheimer’s disease using probability distribution distance of fractional anisotropy and trace from diffusion tensor imaging in combination with whole-brain segmentations ·
    Yuanyuan Wei, Zhibin Chen, and Xiaoying Tang
    SPIE Medical Imaging: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional Imaging, Houston, United States, February 2018